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RFQ - Request For Quotation


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Bids 5 bids 10 bids Unlimited Bids
Quotations 5 Quotations 10 Quotations Unlimited Quotations
Support Free Support Free Support Free Support
Membership Badge X Silver Member Gold Member
Directly Contract Any Supplier On Website Yes Yes Yes
Add Business Category 1 05 10
Add Keywords 1 05 15
Banner Advertisement X Small box banner for 1 month Large box banner for 1 month
Business Listing Highlighted X Highlighted Listing Highlighted Listing
Bids Participation 5 Limit 50 per week Unlimited
Products Photo 0 20 100
Email Marketing 5 Emails 150 Emails 300 Emails
Badges X Verified VerifiedPro
Current Plan


Bids 5 bids
Quotations 5 Quotations
Support Free Support
Membership Badge X
Directly Contract Any Supplier On Website Yes
Add Business Category 1
Add Keywords 01
Banner Advertisement X
Business Listing Highlighted X
Bids Participation 5
Products Photo 0
Email Marketing 5 Emails
Badge X
Current Plan


Bids 10 bids
Quotations 10 Quotations
Support Free Support
Membership Badge Silver Member
Directly Contract Any Supplier On Website Yes
Add Business Category 05
Add Keywords 05
Banner Advertisement Small Box For 1 Month
Business Listing Highlighted Highlighted Listing
Bids Participation Limit 50 per week
Products Photo 20
Email Marketing 150 Emails
Badge Verified
300 Emails


Bids Unlimited Bids
Quotations Unlimited Quotations
Support Free Support
Membership Badge Gold Member
Directly Contract Any Supplier On Website Yes
Add Business Category 10
Add Keywords 15
Banner Advertisement Large Box For 1 Month
Business Listing Highlighted Highlighted Listing
Bids Participation Unlimited
Products Photo 100
Email Marketing
Badge VerifiedPro

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D2D Model

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